“Nourish the Nervous System”: A Mini-Course with Big Benefits

Can you imagine giving your body easy nourishment that can have lasting impact?

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This mini-course gives you practical tools to support well-being in our current, stress-filled world.

“Body Dialogue to Nourish the Nervous System” includes on-demand video, engaging audio, links to resources, and an opportunity to engage with yourself and your body in a practical way.

Can you picture being able to make decisions for your own well-being because you have faith in your capacity to overcome fear and anxiety? Take a breath. Are you ready to begin?

We live in an environment of constant bombardment on the nervous system. No matter your age, your nervous system is impacted by your mental, physical, and emotional environment. These ongoing challenges hype our nervous system and can create emotional undertow.

What you'll receive from the mini-course

  • This mini-course will give you real, usable tools to nourish the nervous system.

  • Delivered all at once via email

  • Easy ways to bring more depth of self care into your life.

  • If you have a desire to interrupt the barrage, this mini-course is for you!

Who should take this mini-course?

  • Those in search of practical methods for self-control, tranquility, and clarity.

  • Individuals who are feeling agitated, fearful, frustrated, anxious, or more excitable.

  • Anyone experiencing symptoms of dysregulation of the neurological system in their body, such as tingling, spasms in the muscles, stiffness, discomfort, and irritability.

  • People who want to cherish and strengthen their bond with their bodies.

Benefits you can look forward to

  • Relieving nerve tension to lessen chronic pain, headaches, dizziness, back discomfort, and other symptoms.

  • Increased sensory awareness via gentle fascia stretching, postural re-patterning, and visualization.

  • Enhanced performance, anxiety management, and improved digestion.

  • A well-tuned parasympathetic nervous system can help reduce inflammation and stress.

  • Deep healing can begin with a relaxed nervous system and a healthy vagus nerve.

  • Enhanced electrical messaging and flow of energy throughout the body.

Hello from Janice

I created Body Dialogue because I needed a roadmap. Our bodies are our teachers. We can use the messages from our bodies to teach us who we are, what we need to learn, and how to face our fear with love and acceptance.

I believe that we all possess the answers we seek; we just need to invest the time and courage to search within.

"This new awareness has been life-changing!"

-Rachel K.

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"The return to my breath is what allows me to work from a place of compassion. " -Erin P.

How many times a day do we self-abandon?

Invest in this mini-course to take a step in nourishing your nervous system. There has never been a better time to dive in.

Common Roadblocks to Signing Up

I Just Don't Have the Time

It doesn’t take much time – it can be 5 minutes. The first time around, read the text, and the second time around, do the practices. There is not a right way to do this, so you cannot do it wrong! 

I Don't Have the Focus

These are very quick and easy practices. You can do this exactly the way you want. There is no need to make it take too much time. Just jump in when you feel called to do so.

I Don't Like Online Courses

I totally understand — me too! This isn’t one. This is not a course in the traditional manner. If you only want to use the videos and audios, they are there for you. If not, that’s okay, too. You’ll receive the information via a pdf you can access on your phone, tablet, or computer at any time, when it works for you. There’s no logging in, no forgetting your password. Easy access!